When are we as supposedly a civilized country going to put an end to the religious oppression occurring in America? How long are citizens of America going to tolerate discrimination, racism, violence, ignorance, and stupidity that is evoked from these fraudulent religions: Christianity, Moslem, Mormonism, and any other backwater ideology masquerading as a "religion"?
The bible thumpers in Arizona are pressuring a despicable excuse for a governor, Jan Brewer, to veto the latest unconstitutional, hate-filled legislation allowing discrimination against LGBT individuals based on "religious" principles. The same type of crappy legislation has reared its ugly head in Kansas, Missouri, Georgia, and soon to come to other Red States. What this legislation does is allow the "convert" to claim that he/she's "religious-based life" is destroyed/degraded/endangered by "serving" a person whom they believe to be of LGBT-persuasion I as yet don't know how all LGBT'ers are identifiable. I mean I have never been able to determine when a Catholic priest is a homosexual, or when a Republican congressperson's child is a transvestite, or when I see a senator hanging around airport men's restrooms is a homo. Now, obviously we as a people, you know the rest of us left who are intelligent, cannot ban this bullshit. It has been around thousands of years and is a key tool of the oppressor in his arsenal to conquer, subjugate, enslave, and rape and pillage a people. No, we cannot ban it without bringing all of the crazies out of the woodwork with their guns in one hand and their bible in the other. The solution is to tax these phony faiths. Let's say a corporate-level tax on church property outside a one-square block area, excluding schools. A corporate- level tax rate on income received that does not involve charity work, facility maintenance, and normal overhead (i.e no preachers with Rolls Royces). Why should the American taxpayer finance oppression in the name of any religion? Oh, and no longer allow the federal government to fund or provide tax-breaks to faith-based charities, religious-based schools, religious-based programs of any kind. Now, I realize and understand that this plan will never or is unlikely to come to fruition in America because of the toxic politics and hate. And also quite frankly, there is a lot of money to be made in religion-sphere. But just think how you would feel if a lobbyist from who knows where came to America and persuaded a future US Congress to pass a law outlawing single-hood, or whatever, like the religious frauds did in Uganda. Think about it!
Valentine's Day in Tennessee VW workers voted 712 - 626 not become equal partners in their own workplace. They voted away the opportunity to create a German style worker's council which would provide them a forum to discuss manufacturing issues, workplace environment, and negotiate fair wages. They voted to remain slaves: have no say in production, wage negotiations, job issues, etc. They did what the overseers on a plantation would want them to do: stay passive, quiet, and docile little field hands who like their second-class existence.
The VW workers had three days to vote to become an integral part of their workplace but instead decided to remain sheep waiting on the shepherd to show them where to graze and sleep without their input. This is the South where the working class have traditionally bought into low wages, poor healthcare, second rate public schools, crumbling infrastructure, low taxes, and racism. You have to ask yourself how anyone can be so ignorant as to vote against their own survival and their own progress. What level of ignorance begets such a mentality where for over 50 years you have bought into the lie of right-to-work laws, anti-union rhetoric, and documented evidence that your current status is crappy. Did these people actually believe the lies spread by anti-union tools like Sen. Corker and other self-serving persons that a union a VW was a bad idea. Were they too stupid and lazy to verify that Corker is nothing more than a liar and thief i.e. typical Republican? Can you imagine how their German counterparts are laughing at these American fools? If I were VW, I would close the plant and find a location where the employees have brains enough to realize a good deal when they see it. The New Jersey Star Ledger newspaper, the largest in NJ, endorsed Chris Christy last year knowing that he was a fraud and a liar. According to them Christy, "He is hostile to low-income families, raising their tax burden and sabotaging efforts to build affordable housing. He’s been a catastrophe on the environment, draining $1 billion from clean energy funds and calling a cease-fire in the state’s fight against climate change. " Does that sound like someone a working class voter would want to vote for?
Wait, there is more, the Star continued, "The governor’s claim to have fixed the state’s budget is fraudulent. New Jersey’s credit rating has dropped during his term, reflecting Wall Street’s judgment that he has dug the hole even deeper. He has no plan to finance transit projects and open space purchases now that he has nearly drained the dedicated funds he inherited from Gov. Jon Corzine." And yet the newspaper endorsed him claiming the his opponent Mrs. Bono was too weak. Christy was overwhelmingly reelected by repubs and demos and look what has happened. But guess what, the Star Ledger says they would endorse him against the current crop of idiots planning to run for the presidency in 2016. Really? The Star.. is telling NJ's and the rest of the country that the other candidates are so pathetic that they would rather endorse a fraud and a liar, Chris Christy, than Paul, Cruz, Perry, Rubio, and etc. It sounds to me that the entire GOP candidate pool is fit for the garbage disposal. The characteristics the Star attributes to Christy obviously applies to the other clowns. But to completely describe them, you would have to add the following characteristics: racists, thieves, and opportunists. Well I think what the Star... is really telling us is that the GOP is garbage and if you are stupid enough, selfish enough, and bigoted enough you will support them with your votes and money. But if you are not part of such inhumanity, there is no other reason to consider the GOP a meaningful political organization that is necessary to America's future. Isn't it amazing that a large percentage of the American voting population have been supporting this fraudulent political party for over thirty years since the traitor Ronald Reagan was elected. |
Comments to think about.