Almost eighty years ago the people of Germany elected a traitor and ex-convict, Adolph Hitler, as chancellor and ushered in the rise of Nazism. With that election, the Germany set in motion a totalitarian government of facists who systematically oppressed and murder millions. They stole the peoples' monies, initiated WW II and when facing defeat, a few, ran like cowards to South America carrying their ill gotten loot with them. Their policies were totally discredited and they now exist as heroes in the minds of sick individuals who adhere to racist ideologies to mask their own fears and inadequacies.
Now in 2013, we see an American political party, the Republican Party, promoting anti-woman legislation, blocking immigration reform, promoting war rhetoric in the Middle East, cutting social safety-net programs, blocking progressive and commonsense legislation, and using racism as a political strategy. The House GOP dismembers a suspect farm bill by cutting the SNAP program and aide to seniors, etc, while then passing a bill bloated with special interests payoffs for their political cronies. In the name of fiscal responsibility they cry about budget excesses and gleefully spend billions to bill border fences to keep out a declining illegal immigration border crossings. They, the GOP, promote phony scandals and claim the President is not a citizen to distract from their real agenda of robbing the American worker of their financial future. They shelter Wall Street while letting student loan programs revert to punitive interest rates and profess ignorance as to the what is happening with the Sequester. And in the end, a significant percent of white America continues to support them while they cut unemployment and other programs that overwhelming benefit and were created for working Americans are slashed. White America sits on the fence while the GOP promotes policies to destroy future opportunities for themselves and their children. White America remains quiet while clown governors such as Rick Scott, Scott Walker, Rick Perry, to name a few, destroy their states' infrastructure, education facilities, tax structure, and businesses. When the Nazis rose to power, they used the same playbook: blaming the Jews, the homosexuals, restructuring state governments and finally starting a war to expand and justify their bogus ideology. Other than killing six million Jews what is the difference between the Nazis of the 19th century and
Comments to think about.