You may not have noticed or even considered the impact of a recent announcement by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) that all former high school who did not graduate because they failed the high school exit exam are now being awarded their diplomas. In addition the State of California no longer requires students to take the exam which was administered in the tenth grade and covered eighth/ninth grade level math and English. A grade of "D" (or the equivalent of 350 out of 450 points) was required for passing. Yes that is correct, a grade of "D" is considered passing in this state and many others.
What this policy does in effect is legitimate "social promotion" for all grades. It has notoriously been used at the elementary school level to advance unruly, lazy, and poorly trained students e.g. from third to fourth grade, etc. Now with it moving to high school level it means that the students can make "D's" for three/four years and obtain a diploma. It means that teachers no longer have to give "F" grades to bad academically performing students. It means the national disgrace of low graduation rates vanishes: all high schools will have a 100% graduation rate and most of these graduates are fucking idiots. No wonder America is now a second rate country when your greatest asset, youth, is conveniently given a second rate education what more can you be? People complain about H1-B visits increasing and the number of Americans losing their tech jobs to foreigners maybe because those same foreigners are better educated. Just recently the largest charter school chain in New York said they will stop teaching foreign languages. Well, if the only thing an American can read are the directions of which end of the shovel to use, learning Chinese or German is not that important.
Remember the movies Jaws 1 and Jaws 2 made back in the eighties about the monstrous giant shark that terrorizes the small beachfront town of Amity, USA? Do you recall in Jaws 1 when the sheriff, Roy Schneider, discovered evidence that the shark had killed a child which was verified by the imported shark expert and they confronted the mayor? The mayor, Larry, dressed in a buffoonish sports jacket and totally lacking in humanity and intellect quickly denied/dismissed the evidence; because after all it was Fourth of July weekend and the city not could risk a shark scare thereby depriving local businesses of revenue.
Then in Jaws 2 the mighty shark's cousin returns to Amity to avenge his kin's inglorious death at the hands of the hero sheriff. A whale is discovered on shore with a huge bite in it's side and a few body parts wash ashore or discovered in the most inopportune situations. This time the sheriff even has a photo of the shark's tooth along with the body parts which he uses to try and convince the same clown mayor, Larry, of the new shark threat. Of course the mayor denies the evidence and along with his capitalist bloodsucking friend conspire together to fire the sheriff and keep the threat of potential shark attacks a secret because they are more worried about the potential lost of revenue. Have you begun to see a pattern here? Does Flint, Michigan, the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles county, earthquake filled Oklahoma, ash polluted rivers in North Carolina start to make more sense to you now? Do you see the incompetence, greed, lack of humanity, moral compass that has to exist for tragedies to occur like these. The movies expose these human traits/failings to all to see if you will just pay fucking attention and connect the dots. The recent photo of six Arizona girls wearing black tea shirts with individual letters which when put side-by-side spell "NIGGER" is just another example of how we breed hate in America. Consider that these six white, teenage girls who according to them (or their enablers who make the excuses for them) are so insensitive and ignorant of their actions that they would consider this display to be humorous. Or we to believe that they think they live in a society where this is acceptable? Of course we are because if they were raised in an environment where tolerance of people who are different from themselves and they understood the the basic tenets of respect, equality, and fairness they would not have done it. They were raised to disrespect and disregard people of color, different religions and backgrounds. They were taught that those people were beneath them and inferior and thus don't deserve the respect which they have for each other. The ESPN network ran a segment on the girls and it invariably degenerated in the typical false equivalency of who can use the N-word and where is it said. They totally missed the point (which is usual with America's shallow media) by asking a small panel of blacks who and when the N-word is used. The answers as always were bullshit so I will provide the real answer. No white person has the right to call anyone a NIGGER. No other group of people in America has committed more wrongs to humanity through the genocide of the Native American and enslavement of Black People. No other group has benefited more from the system of apartheid that is America. No other group of people lives a life of a LIE than white Americans: your history is a lie, your economy is a lie, your relationships are based on lies. The question that should be asked is when are white Americans going to start telling the TRUTH about how they are breed to hate? The Washington Post published an article on why the Iowa caucus is important. They try to explain how a GOP party with a majority of Christian conservatives (otherwise known as "believers in demons and witches") will gather to select one of their party's buffoons as a viable presidential candidate. The process for each party goes as shown below:
The Republican caucuses are straightforward. Voters assemble at a specified time, possibly listen to speeches on behalf of many candidates in the race, cast their votes by secret ballots and are free to depart. The ballots are tabulated and reported; the percentages are of the total number of voters who participated. It’s not so simple for the Democrats. Voters make their declarations publicly. No secret ballots here. Voters are asked to stand and deliver. The process is an exercise of conviction, persuasion and horse-trading. Results are produced by a complex formula and reported to the public not as percentages of the raw vote each candidate has received, but by what the Iowa Democratic Party calls “state delegate equivalents,” or simply “SDEs.” After all of this convoluted bullshit is done, they will have selected the most probable loser for the GOP and Demo nominations. The process conducted in a state which according to the US Census Bureau is 92% white and conservative has nothing to do with reality but is still given significance because it is first in the primary process. The voting by the rabid tea party activist who claim their government has been seized by the black man in the White House and they want it back never seem to have a problem cashing $1.5 billion in federal farm aid or their Social Security checks.After all the hoopla is done and this farce has ended, we can move on to more relevant states which actually do represent more of America. |
Comments to think about.