Unless you have visiting Venus for the past six months, you have got to be wondering what is wrong with GOP legislators. How can any human propose a bill that strips away millions of people' healthcare and maternity care; approve of polluting rivers and lakes by banishing the Clean Water Act; allowing financial advisers to steal their clients' money; and on and on. Henry Giroux wrote an commentary in Truthout entitled The Culture of Cruelty in Trump's America in which he states:
For the last 40 years, the United States has pursued a ruthless form of neoliberalism that has stripped economic activity from ethical considerations and social costs. One consequence has been the emergence of a culture of cruelty in which the financial elite produce inhuman policies that treat the most vulnerable with contempt, relegating them to zones of social abandonment and forcing them to inhabit a society increasingly indifferent to human suffering. Under the Trump administration, the repressive state and market apparatuses that produced a culture of cruelty in the 19th century have returned with a vengeance, producing new levels of harsh aggression and extreme violence in US society... He also says: ...For instance, Trump's 2017 budgetary proposals, many of which were drafted by the hyperconservative Heritage Foundation, will create a degree of imposed hardship and misery that defies any sense of human decency and moral responsibility. So one has to ask don't these half-ass elected leaders, specifically GOP, have any idea of what they are doing? Are they so beholden to psychopathic billionaires that they are willing to watch people die from a destroyed social safety net? It appears the answer is that they don't care. So we can easily categorize them as worthless human beings and what does that say about there supporters, the sixty million people who voted for Trump and the GOP? Not Much!!!
Three recent headlines concerning GOP policies should convince you that they believe that the sixty plus million people that voted for Trump are stupid. And they are constantly trying to convince the 150,000,000 who did not should vote for the GOP.
First consider this jewel from EPA Chief Pruitt: Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said on Thursday that carbon dioxide was not a primary contributor to global warming, a statement at odds with the global scientific consensus on climate change. Really, this from a man who spent his time as AG of Oklahoma on his knees in front of Koch Brothers' crouch and any other polluting oil company. Second, on Trumpcare from Daily Kos.com: Paul Ryan, intellectual leader of the Republican Party, doesn't know how insurance works The Speaker of The House, Paul Ryan, is proposing legislation which takes away citizens' healthcare and gives $500 million in taxbreaks to the wealthy knows nothing about the subject. That should be comforting to voters, but for stupid people it doesn't matter since they think the ACA and Obamacare are different. Last, by Rep. Chaffetz: GOP lawmaker: Poor people would have health coverage if they didn’t spend money on ‘that new iPhone’ What more can be said about an insensitive asshole like Chaffetz. A man who spent millions investigating Hillary Clinton and denies Trump's treason is not worth investigating. By the way, he uses donors' campaign funds to pay for his phone. Director/activist Rob Reiner said this morning on AM Joy that the patriots in the GOP should standoff and demand full investigations of the clown idiot in the White House. He mentioned Sen McCain, Sen Lindsay, and Sen Rubio as being candidates for this patriotic endeavor. I strongly disagree and I contend that there are no patriots in the GOP. The GOP is dedicated to providing greedy billionaire ideologues their wildest wetdreams. All of the above senators voted to confirm the swamp that we euphemistically call a cabinet. All of these men were obstructionists to a real President's policies. All of these men voted lockstep in agreement with the House's insane proposals.
Patriotism requires one to put country before party or president. No GOPer has done such a thing since 2001. They have ignored Democratic proposals to rebuild infrastructure, adequately fund food stamps, provide decent healthcare, education improvements, environmental improvements all to satisfy billionaire polluters. They sit quiet while an unconstitutional Muslim ban is enacted, support charter/segregated schools, starve poor children, advocate for war with Iran, support privatizing the VA, etc. That does not register as patriotic in my view. It supports an undemocratic oligarchy. Real patriots would be clamoring for the idiot in the WH to resign. They would be on the worthless media putting forth real policies that benefit the bottom ninety percent. They would be denouncing antisemitism, racism, poverty, war, and the greed of Wall Street and more. No there are no patriots in the GOP just trolls for the rich and powerful. The Grand Old Party (GOP) is showing for all the world to see and especially its racist base that they really are a party of criminals, traitors, and know-nothings. Take for instance, the clown who is not president, who according to Jason Easley at Politicus USA, spends hours a day watching Fox News while ignoring America's and the world's problems. When he is not doing that he is lying to the American people, signing unconstitutional executive orders, or standing in front of a mirror preaching to himself about how smart and great he is.
Or consider the case of Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin who posted notices telling constituents not to contact/pester him or his office about issues. The same constituents that reelected this turd in November 2016. Great job GOP voters! And then there is the case of Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions who has been caught perjuring himself about contacts with Russia's ambassador while working for the Trump campaign. He has now recused himself from Trump-Russia investigations but the damage has been done. An AG who is a liar and potentially a traitor, beautiful! Finally, lets not forget the great Sen. Marco Rubio who takes trips to Europe to avoid his constituents and takes bribes (sorry, donations) from cabinet candidates prior to confirmation votes. He has always been a klassy guy: part time embezzler, great speech maker, failed presidential candidate and parttime senator, for that matter. But the geniuses reelected him, so what does that say about GOP voters. Lastly, how about the GOP committees refusing to investigate Trump's treasonous acts with Russia. One GOP patriot claimed that investigating White House is more important. Another GOP patriot saying that it is unpatriotic to criticize Trump, glory be! Barnum and Bailey Circus recently shutdown but apparently the circus clowns moved into the White House and GOP leadership, what else could explain such malfeasance. |
Comments to think about.