Donald Trump, recently declared Presidential candidate, was fired today from NBC Universal for his remarks about Latino immigrants, among other slurs. Mr. Trump said that "undocumented immigrants are rapists and who bringing drugs to the United States." He also said “they have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us,” such as drug trafficking and sexual assault. He also suggested that, if he were elected, he would build a “great, great wall on the southern border.”
It is certainly understandable why NBC would fire him after making such slurs but there is another issue that the media did not discuss in regards to Mr. Trump. That issue is that Mr. Trump is merely stating what his Tea Party, right wing, anti-immigrant, homophobic, and racist base says all the time to their friends, etc. He was merely speaking out loud to the media what his base believes. These are the same people who believe that Mexicans are taking their jobs, ruining their schools, ruining their neighborhoods, and committing all the crimes. None of what they say is based on reality and facts, but they are not concerned about that. Their beliefs are based on fear and the irrational belief that they are the chosen ones in America. That they are the only ones entitled to the benefits of America and anyone who looks different is to be outcast and treated as the other. They totally ignore the reality of America's history and have constructed one that fits the illusion that they are better. Trump is just the messenger. Update: July 2, 2015 “Donald Trump’s remarks are very racially charged and should have no place in the American political dialogue of today,” Arturo Carmona, the executive director of Latino advocacy group Presente Action, told ThinkProgress. “In a way, it’s good that we have somebody that’s actually speaking the truth like Donald Trump about what’s really motivating many of these [anti-immigrant] policies. I’d rather have somebody like Trump be honest about what the motivations are than have the GOP and Congress hiding behind political rhetoric, but at the same time, passing policies that are criminalizing immigrants and trying to take away executive action protections.” ...“[Trump’s remarks] show powerful racist undercurrents that are connected with very important sectors of the GOP and the Republican party,” he said. “Now many of its leaders try to distance themselves from that, but very often, as we’ve seen with Trump and many other right-wing leaders, we see that they often pop their head out and the GOP quickly wants to hide them and throw them under the carpet. Well they can’t do that anymore with Donald Trump running for president and it’s going to have a very important impact in showcasing the true colors of the Republican Party.”
Republican presidential hopefuls (Cruz, Paul, and Santorum) have received money from white supremacist hate groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). The leader of the CCC, Earl Holt, has donated thousands of dollars to Republican candidates for Congress. The governor of South Carolina garners some courage to call for removing the symbol of racism, Confederate flag, from the capital building. Numerous republicans scramble to claim that they never supported what the Confederate flag stands for which of course is a lie.
The Republican Party has been playing the racist card ever since the Ronald Reagan presidency. Nixon was one of the first to apply it doing his election efforts. Lets not forget the racist Barry Goldwater. The party owes its existence to racism. It has played to the ignorance and prejudice of poor southern whites for decades. These same whites who were played by the rich landowners during the days of slavery to hate African slaves and to nullify a cross-racial economic revolt against their exploitation by those landowners. This same con was used to get South Carolina to lead the secession movement in 1860. So finally, America is seeing the Republican Party for what it truly is a party supported by racists, a party that condones racism, and a party that benefits from racism. "I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me." These are the words of Dylan Roof from his manifesto posted online and recently discovered.
Media types and others claim he was radicalized by hate groups in his home state, etc. Probably, but I think it was closer to home like when he sat down for dinner with his parents and grandparents. Or when he was out with his friends who harassed blacks and other minorities they saw in public. Or when he attended his segregated school and church. When he heard white racist community "leaders" extol on the benefits of segregation, anti-unionism, anti-feminism, and all the other antis that plague the white mindset and ignore reality. Dylan Roof was a product of a society/community that feeds on hate, guilt, and denial. He is a product of people who have been duped by "political leaders" into thinking his rights are being denied, that "they" are taking something from him, and that his opportunities to advance are imperiled by "others" that don't look like and think like him. That is who Dylan Roof is a product of the sewer of hate that spawn him: his home. During the last week we have three new GOP candidates for president. Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida, who facilitates every criminal enterprise involving education, stock deals (from AlterNet: Bush was both a director on the corporate board and a marketing consultant for InnoVida Holdings LLC while it was the subject of a criminal investigation that sent its two top executives to jail.), as well as helping steal a Presidential election for his idiot brother.
Then there is Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas, who wanted to secede from the U.S. and who managed to run his state into the ground with private deals to anyone with a large check with his name on it. For example: "Perry established several massive business tax breaks “designed to lure companies from other states. [But] the funds have been controversial. They have channeled millions of dollars to companies whose officers or investors are major Perry campaign donors and Perry has allowed them to keep their subsidies in many cases even when they fail to deliver promised jobs." According to reporting by Time magazine's Massimo Calabresi. Finally,there is Donald Trump, the reality show host, self-promoting real estate mogul, birther, and xenophobe on immigration etc. He began his campaign by spewing anti-Latino hate, criticizing a wheelchair bound journalist, and explaining to the world how he is very rich. He also claimed that he can solve all the tension in the world because of his business acumen. He did not explain his multiple bankruptcies but I am sure he will get to that. It just keeps getting better and better people. The toilet is half full and the smell is growing. The Supreme Court will announce its decision on Obamacare any day now and the GOP cannot wait to implement its plan for the 6.4 million people who risk losing their healthcare coverage if the GOP wins the case. You see the GOP has been developing their plan for the five years of the existence of the law with some parts already in place and working fine.
Most people have been hearing from the august GOP leaders like Speaker John Boehner and Senator Thone of South Dakota their concerns about the government takeover of healthcare in America but have not really appreciated what the GOP plan really is. Well, to give an example take a look at the 30 states with Republican governors that have denied Obamacare expansion into their states and you will get a good idea as to how well the plan is working. What the GOP needs now is for the court to rule in their favor and the 61% WHITE, 61% SOUTHERN, AND 80% WORKERS will lose their subsidies and probably their coverage. Then America will be rid of the socialist plot to takeover healthcare in America and the GOP plan will be fully operational. And for those of you who are a bit slow and have not figured out the plan yet it is very simple for when you get sick: DIE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! An article in today's NY times "Last Task After Layoff at Disney: Train Foreign Replacements" explains just how corporations actually think about their employees. Using a front company named HCL America, Disney managed to layoff hundreds of employees and high foreign workers for the same job at lower pay. In addition, the laid off workers had to train the new workers to take their job. (Talk about company loyalty to employees.)
Using the bogus H-1B program, companies like Disney, Fossil, Southern California Edison, and others exploit/replace skilled workers with imported "slaves" who are officially employees of the contractor, in this case HCL America. Hence the corporation eliminates 25% to 49% of the cost of keeping the American worker according to Ronil Hira, a professor of public policy at Howard University who studies visa programs and has testified before Congress about H-1B visas. In the meanwhile the CEO of Disney made millions in salary last year and the company showed record profits thanks to the fired American workers. This is just another example of what capitalism and its corporations think of workers, they are nothing more than a cost item and companies always want to reduce costs. Former cabinet Clinton secretary, Robert Reich, wrote an essay several days ago on Texas. He pointed out that Texas citizens (57%) polled) has a very negative opinion of the federal government that is until Houston and other cities were recently flooded by torrential rains. Now they are running hat in hand begging for fed dollars from the Kenyan, Muslim, anti-gun, pro-immigration, pro-gay marriage President Obama.
Texas pols such as Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Comm. on Science, Technology, and Space, recently proposed cutting 23% of the NASA budget which contained climate change research. The idiot Senator Ted Cruz and the rest of Texas delegation never supported aide for Hurricane Sandy Relief; but guess what, they are all begging for billions for Texas now. The clown Governor Abbot is concerned about Texas being invaded by federal troops and denying ACA Medicaid expansion to his citizens. Several counties have tried to ban fracking but the state legislator passed laws restricting the banning of fracking. Texas former Governor Rick Perry wanted to secede from the United States. I wish they would and just let the few hundred intelligent people who live in Texas leave because we know the rest are dumber than dog-shit. |
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