Republican presidential hopefuls (Cruz, Paul, and Santorum) have received money from white supremacist hate groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). The leader of the CCC, Earl Holt, has donated thousands of dollars to Republican candidates for Congress. The governor of South Carolina garners some courage to call for removing the symbol of racism, Confederate flag, from the capital building. Numerous republicans scramble to claim that they never supported what the Confederate flag stands for which of course is a lie.
The Republican Party has been playing the racist card ever since the Ronald Reagan presidency. Nixon was one of the first to apply it doing his election efforts. Lets not forget the racist Barry Goldwater. The party owes its existence to racism. It has played to the ignorance and prejudice of poor southern whites for decades. These same whites who were played by the rich landowners during the days of slavery to hate African slaves and to nullify a cross-racial economic revolt against their exploitation by those landowners. This same con was used to get South Carolina to lead the secession movement in 1860. So finally, America is seeing the Republican Party for what it truly is a party supported by racists, a party that condones racism, and a party that benefits from racism.
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