I have been considering this subject for some time and I was finally inspired by the recent debates that have aired this week. I did not watch them of course since I find watching paint dry more exciting. And besides everyone already knows what is going to be said by the buffoons in the GOP: lies, fear mongering, racism, and plan old stupidity. While on the Demo side the only one worth listening to is Bernie versus two Republican-Democrats otherwise known as New Democrats.
But back to the 'ignorable' which as Websters defines as something to disregard or not pay attention to. That is the fate of today's American working class whites, a fate which has been explained by a recent Pew Research poll showing that the number of middle class Americans has fallen below fifty percent while poverty is on the rise. Pew goes further to explain that the uneducated those with a high school diploma or less are faring worst financially and socially as demonstrated by an increase heroin usage and heroin related deaths, low paying service jobs, living in Red states which have denied them healthcare, etc.These are the people who either don't bother to vote or vote for the Republican Party (primaries and general election) in the hope that they will deny minorities the benefits which they need themselves. Not to bright, I would say. What most people never consider is that in the last four hundred years this country's leaders have never considered whites as important, at least not the working class. Or specifically, the newly arrived evangelical Puritans who could not even feed themselves without the benevolence of the people who owned the country in the first place were considered by the wealthy Brits as nothing more than place holders. After the wealthy British began arriving with their indentured white slaves and military support to begin the thief of America and the genocide, the process of ignoring began in earnest. Plus with military support from the King, the new wealthy arrivals did not have to rely upon the Puritans to support the genocide, just get out of the way. With the initiation of the slave trade and its growth over the years, the freed indenture white slave had no jobs. The slaves were trained to do all manner of skilled labor, building and construction. The Chinese were brought in to build the railroads and perform mining, etc. The only people who could vote were landowners or the wealthy not the lower class whites and certainly not women or slaves. People could say I am being racist by singling out whites but that is not the case at all because everyone else, that is, non-whites have always been ignored and deprived of equality, justice, and opportunity. The problem is that today's working class white has learned nothing in four hundred years. He/she is still a slave in a minimum wage job to wealthy elite and votes republican to promote policies which keep them as modern slaves. I wonder if they will ever figure it out?
Donald J. Trump has and is doing the greatest job anyone could do to destroy the racist and thieving Republican Party. I am ecstatic. This buffoon has turned Nixon's Southern Strategy back on the GOP. Almost fifty years ago, Nixon choose to use racism to capture the southern white racist vote and this strategy was reinforced by the traitor Reagan in the eighties. Now Trump, has employed the same strategy and uncovered the same group of low-information, low intelligent, dumber-than-dog-shit voters in 2015.
He started by slandering Latinos, then women, then Black Lives Matter, then immigration, and now he has combined those with slandering Muslims. He is brilliant. He knows his fellow GOP contenders are wimps, liars, thieves, and cowards who cater to any donor willing to give them a check and thus are no threat to him. He knows that these clowns have no programs or policies that they can publicly espouse or defend thereby leaving that arena to him to propose the preposterous. And when he does, they coward in a corner and claim that they have similar ideas/policies but they would not state them the way he does. So in other words they all agree with Trump. This situation is causing the GOP brass serious pain in trying to promote their bogus ideology to the more "moderate republicans". For years the GOP has gotten away with convincing their base that minimum wages are a threat, taxes are too high, the government is bad, and a whole list of other BS. They have been very successful in getting the stupid to vote against their own best interest now the stupid have a hero who will lead them to the promise land and he is not a politician. The brass is worried about Trump's effect on House and Senate races and whether Trump will drive away the so-called moderates. Polls indicate that 68% of Trump's followers will support him whether he runs as a republican of independent and this scares the hell out of the GOP brass. Keep up the good work and stay in the party. America may finally be able to stamp out the parasite known as the Republican Party. |
Comments to think about.