We enter the season of joy with a media storm over a redneck named, Phil Robertson, who has offended gays and blacks on his worthless "reality" show Duck Dynasty. Although I have never watched the show and in truth did not know it existed, the flap surrounding it's doesn't surprise me. Whites like him have the same views nationwide. They were raised that way. They live in the false world of equality, non-discrimination, and Christian morality; all of which is false in America.
For the people at A&E who produced the show, they know that Duck Dynasty perfectly portray a large segment of American thinking. They know that through years of denial, self-delusion, mainstream media propaganda, and political negligence that many Americans will appeal to a show that displays intolerance and ignorance because Americans can't handle the truth of their own existence let alone the facts of life of other, in their view, "non-standard" Americans. It is easy to put on a show that denigrates those Americans and justifies "standard" Americans beliefs about such people. Millions of Americans actually believe that people of color and gays are destroying America's exceptionalism while not understanding the very system that keeps a boot on their necks. They believe their is no discrimination and that people don't succeed because they are all lazy and uneducated. Gays are considered sick or anti-Christian people determined to pervert their children and larger society. They believe this despite all the evidence to the contrary. They ignore this evidence and follow the hate and racism spouted from Fox News, racist talk show host and pundits because it mirrors the beliefs they have held since the first time they sat at a dinner table and listened to their parents and relatives spout the same garbage. Phil Robertson defined a reality that they the viewers all share. He expresses the real reason that A&E put the show on the air because they know there are millions of Americans who believe and live the beliefs of Mr. Robertson. So why not make money out of it. Mr. Robertson confessed one truth: he is "White Trash". And corporate media makes millions off the white trash of America.
I was watching my usual schedule of enlightening shows on MSNBC when this tweet was displayed from Senator Harry Reid:
Senator Harry Reid @SenatorReid17h Republicans are holding UI extension hostage to an unreasonable demand that we withdraw all pending votes on nominations first. It not only made me angry that Republicans would stoop this low to try and deny the Black Man in the White House the ability to govern but that they would use American citizens as cannon fodder for their hate and jealousy. People who have been jobless for extended periods due to capitalist greed policies of outsourcing, mismanagement, age discrimination, and etc. must suffer because of the pettiness of the Republican Party. How does a GOPer look at himself/herself in the mirror knowing that he is denying jobless benefits to Americans who cannot find a decent paying job to support himself and his/her family? What type of human being supports legislation that denies food stamps to children and seniors? What logic or morality encourages treating gays, minorities, and women as second-class citizens? The above tweet was then followed by this one from Senator Reid: Congress is finishing this year less popular than a cockroach, and mindless, knee-jerk obstruction from Republicans is exactly why. |
Comments to think about.