THE DEPARTMENT’S SCRUTINY OF THE FINANCIAL FRAUD ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCE IS PART OF A BROADER REVIEW BY A NEW WORKING GROUP, WHICH ROSENSTEIN SAID WILL BE OFFERING UP SUGGESTIONS “ON PROMOTING INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND CORPORATE COOPERATION.” So the Justice Dept. will in essence shutdown the organization which was finding and prosecuting financial (consumer) fraud. Hence, the suckers who have financial dealings with major banks won't have any recourse when the are cheated. *US LAWMAKERS WILL NOT TACKLE HEALTHCARE THIS YEAR, RYAN SAYS REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS WILL NOT TAKE UP A BIPARTISAN PLAN TO STABILIZE OBAMACARE INSURANCE MARKETS OR TRY AGAIN TO REPEAL AND REPLACE THE LAW THIS YEAR, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEAKER PAUL RYAN SAID ON WEDNESDAY, SIGNALING HIS PARTY WAS SHELVING THE MATTER UNTIL THE 2018 U.S. CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION YEAR. The pathetic house leader is fulfilling Trump's wish to dismantle the ACA and put at risk the health insurance of millions of Americans while also increasing the deficit. The bipartisan plan has been evaluated and it projects billions in savings as well as helping to maintain health coverage but of Ryan is too stupid to allow that. *US SENATE PANEL APPROVES CONTROVERSIAL EPA NOMINEES THE SENATE ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ON WEDNESDAY APPROVED FOUR NOMINEES TO KEY POSTS AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, INCLUDING ONE APPOINTEE WITH TIES TO THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY WHO WILL HEAD THE AGENCY’S OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY. The pathetic Senate has approved a group of industry lobbyists to continue the assault on clean air, the environment, and cater to the greedy criminal polluters. *TRUMP JUDICIAL NOMINEE COMPARED OBAMA ERA TO NAZI GERMANY A LAWYER WHO PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP NOMINATED TO BE A FEDERAL JUDGE ONCE LIKENED THE TREATMENT OF CHRISTIANS DURING THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO THAT OF PEOPLE IN NAZI GERMANY AND UNDER COMMUNIST REGIMES. JEFF MATEER MADE THE COMMENTS IN RADIO INTERVIEWS IN 2013 AND 2014, ACCORDING TO AUDIO CLIPS THAT CNN RESURFACED. Trump is demonstrating his racism again by nominating a racist fool to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge. By claiming that Christians are persecuted, the American people will be subjected to more persecution at the hands of these hypocrites and their phony religion. Finally, thank all the fools in America who say that the political parties are all the same and who sit on their dumb asses and don't vote. Guess what idiots, a non vote is a vote for the winner but of course they are too stupid to understand that simple fact.
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