Today saw the entry of Rick Santorum into the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Another nitwit, Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania, is trying to play to the same base of low information voters, religious fanatics, anti-abortionists, homophobes, and racists that the other turds in the contest are trying to attract.
According to ThinkProgress, Santorum believes that: (1) If you don’t have an ID, you’re trying to rig the election. (2) Even if it survives Obamacare, “our country will fall” because of same-sex marriage. (3) In Obama’s America, religious people are on “the path” to being beheaded. (4) Health insurance companies should discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. To list just a few. There are other gems of wisdom spouting from Santorum but I think you get the idea that this guy is a total fool. But before you totally discount him in 2012 he finished second behind Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination so there are plenty of fools in America who think like him. And that is really sad.
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