ESPN's Jemele Hill was reprimanded by her employer for calling Pr*sident Trump a white supremacist and for being unfit for the office he holds. She was right, of course, since she based her opinion on Trump's history of racist behavior even before Charlottesville, Va. Trump's long history of housing discrimination in New York, his creation of "birtherism" against our last qualified president, his hiring of anti-Semites, like Steve Bannon, Jeffrey B. Sessions, and many others, provides us with undeniable proof that Trump is a racist.
Unfortunately, calling a racist out in America is perceived by the racists as being racist. For there are two things that racist hate more than anything else: one, being called a racist and two, being caught engaging in racism, like attending the Charlottesville Nazi rally carrying a Nazi sign, etc. Racism has always been the parasite lurking underneath the veneer of America's so called civil society. The fact that racism and its brother discrimination has been sanctioned, endorsed, and spread by all manners of government entities remains an open secret and ignored by the mainstream media, not unsurprisingly. (Read "The Color of Law" by Richard Rothstein) Ms. Hill simply stated what is obvious to most thinking, honest people in America. Not only did she make her statements based on observable facts but she also had plenty of anecdotal evidence about Trump. The only ones who condemn her statement are racism's facilitators such as the mainstream, the GOP, and those suffering from guilt and willful ignorance. ESPN for its part rehired a racist singer for its Monday Football show. A little hypocrisy goes a long ways. Then there are the people who deny the GOP's racism even when their own candidates are outed as attending Klan/White Citizen's Council meetings, such as Steve Scalise. Or they ignore their great idol, Ronald Reagan, kicking off his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Ms where three civil rights activists were killed by Klansmen. How about Nixon's southern strategy? The legacy of racism in America goes back to when the first greedy, hypocrite Pilgrim came to these shores and began stealing the Indigenous People's land, raping their women, and enslaving or murdering them. By declaring the Indigenous People as savages and anti-Christian, they justified their crimes which only multiplied with the arrival of the first African slaves. This history cannot be ignored or repressed. Everyday the true history is revealed for all to see and no amount of condemning Ms. Hill will hide it. Deal with it, Motherfuckers!!!
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Comments to think about.