The GOP House just passed the American Healthcare Act, Trumpcare, to replace the hated Obamacare that insured seventeen million previously uninsured Americans. If it passes the Senate which it won't you will see twenty-four million people lose their health insurance leading to 44,000 more Americans dying each year according to The Washington Post. The other benefit you have won is the opportunity to pay higher premiums, lose coverage for pre-existing conditions, and maternal care for your pregnant teenage daughter who will no longer be able to obtain birth control and strips Medicaid funding so your elderly parent can be kicked out of the senior citizens nursing home.
Pat yourself on the back that your infinite ignorance has allowed you to elect people who don't serve your interests. Rejoice in the fact that you have given billionaires huge tax breaks while you die because of the lack of medical coverage. You can rejoice further in that you ended the socialist, Kenyan borne Obama healthcare bill, originally written by Republicans, from saving your life and avoiding medical bankruptcy. You have much to celebrate now and still more to look forward to with Trump's tax plan on the horizon. You know that one I am sure, the one that gives billionaires more tax breaks and increases the deficit by trillions while cutting food stamps, infrastructure, research funding etc. But remember just one thing, if you get sick, die quick!!
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