I often sit and wonder how a person votes for a bad politician. Bad politicians don't elect themselves, they have a following, a base, supporters with the same ideology, people who supposedly know the issues and are making a earnest choice in voting for someone who will represent them and fight for their interests. BULLSHIT!!! If you believe that, then you are dumber-than-dogshit.
Lets' look at the Demos: a party before the 1980's that had a real concern, even demonstrated it, for the working man, unions, civil rights, equality, and generally what benefited the most people. Once the New Democrats of Al Frumm came with their new focus on the professional class, the working man was ignored. New legislation was corporate friendly, lobbyist-sponsored and adopted, and had a Republican touch if not actually Republican generated. With the New Demos came NAFTA, a blind-eye to Wall Street, Obamacare, and shit-canning the interests of the working class. (Thomas Frank's Listen, Liberal is recommended reading for those wanting more history of the Demos cultural change). The New Demos theorized that the could take corporate money (supposedly progressive leaning ones, a total fantasy) and Wall Street money, focus on the professional classes, provide lukewarm support to progressive ideas, and win elections. That strategy brought us one of the worst Democratic presidents in modern history, Bill Clinton. It held for the election of Obama and is in play for Hillary. On the other hand, Repubs take the approach that whatever the top one percent want is find with them. Their base of low-information voters who continually vote against their own interest are nothing more than cannon-fodder to be used in fake grassroots organizations. (You know, the ones who want to get the government's hand off their Medicare). The Repubs count on these idiots to elect the criminals, buffoons, child molesters, blatant hypocrites, phony evangelicals, and other assorted trash to state and federal offices. Repubs have no interest in governing or passing legislation that benefits the masses since they don't give a shit about the masses. Repubs could care less about funding Zika virus or Ebola research; those diseases occurred in countries run by non-whites and mainly affects non-whites. Cries to pass infrastructure repair legislation is a waste of the Repubs' time unless one of their cronies can get the no-bid contract and hire non-union labor, preferably imported from Southeast Asia or South America at less than minimum wage. Or the calls to reign in Big Pharma's greed is absurd as far Repubs are concerned. What fool would vote to take money from his own pocket just because a few thousand senior citizens die because they can't afford their overpriced prescription drugs. In conclusion these two political scumbag parties exist due to the overwhelming apathy, ignorance, and colossal stupidity of the American people. The apathy allows New Demos: former Wall Street lobbyists and repubs to switch and run as Demos; caters to Blue Dog Demos (fence-riders waiting on what the special interest instruct them to do; and just run-of-the-mill sellouts who vote with repubs. Ignorance and the colossal stupidity are endemic to both parties. How else can you explain the election and reelection of clowns and criminals like Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Chris Christie, Sam Brownback, Pat McCrory, and the list goes on. What level of stupidity justifies a vote for people like that. Albert Einstein said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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