The selection of Sen. Tim Kaine as VP nominee has confirmed the right-wing claims that Hilary Clinton is a fraud and a liar. Her so-called move to the left as a progressive was a lie. A fraud to sucker the Bernie supporters that she really was progressive.
The truth is Hillary Rodham Clinton is a sellout and a liar. She was never progressive. She was/is a Goldwater Republican, for Chris sakes. She conned Progressives, she lied about being anti -TPP, she lied to Elizabeth Warren, her Demo operatives tried to sabotage Bernie Sanders campaign (check the She is the epiphany of the person that the right-wing has been telling for 20 years that she is: liar and can't be trusted. Kaine was her choice all along. Kaine is a close friend of Bill, the worst Demo president in 40 years. He is in favor of TPP, he is a Wall Street ass-kisser. He was a previous Clinton campaign manager. He is a Demo insider, the same one that Thomas Frank warned us against in his timely book "Listen Liberal" . In the end, I think she is a one term president, if she last that long. I believe she will be impeached and thou she might survive, she will have no capacity to govern. Her choice of Kaine ensures low turnout among Bernie Millennial voters. No down ballot sweep. Republicans will maintain Congressional control; hence she will not be able to pass any Wall Street friendly legislation. In conclusion, the stupid bitch has probably grasped defeat from the jaws of victory. And she deserves it. Fuck Hillary Clinton.
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