As I predicted last week, Trump went to the United Nations General Assembly and showed the world that he is a TURD. He threaten North Korea and Iran. He tweeted an image of himself hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball. He bragged about himself and his real estate empire, the stock market, how screwed up the Paris Agreement was. He topped off the week by insulting sports figures, calling Colin K' s a "sob". He also said fans should boycott sporting events when players kneel during the playing of the national anthem. So in all respects, this piece of trash succeeded in totally embarrassing the USA in front of the whole world while playing to his racist base of losers and fools. LeBron James summarized it best when he said that "the White House was fine until you(Trump) showed up". All of this took place while the head of HHS and Treasury departments are spending taxpayer money ($300,000) on private jets for personal use; the racist GOP is trying to pass a healthcare bill that denies millions healthcare; and plans are in progress to lower taxes on the rich. Congresswoman Maxine Waters has been right from day one, impeachment is more than necessary for this clown. Have a nice day, folks.
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